The Christmas Spirit

You know you’ve done a fine job of parenting and really helped your kids capture the true meaning of Christmas when you hear them singing at the top of their lungs:

“Joy to the world that Barney’s dead, we barbecued his head. Don’t worry about the body, we flushed it down the potty, round and round it goes, round and round it goes. Joy to the world that Barney’s dead!”


  1. It’s amazing how half way around the world your kids know the exact same song almost word for word as ours! Definitely a Christmas Classic guaranteed to bring in the spirit of the season just like Chevy Chase and National Lampoon’s Christmas movie

  2. Or maybe not so amazing…I think I see what’s going on here…your kids taught it to Grace & Thomas while you were here. It’s your fault!

  3. But Jason, what’s worse? Now you’ve gone and published it to the whole world, including our kids, who are avid readers of “I had an ephiphery”!

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